Functional/Active Lifestyle

A good and healthy lifestyle includes the entire body system. Namely: Mouth, body, mind and spirit. The mouth is part of the body system and should be as healthy and balanced as our body. We must have a functioning and healthy mouth if we need muscles to help us move and breathe. The mouth is a gateway to the entire body, and the strong connection between oral health and health is no secret.

To stay functional and healthy we need to take care of our whole body. We know this means we must aim to:

  • Maintaining a balanced diet 
  • Regular exercise 
  • Avoiding smoking and drugs 
  • Several hours of sleep 
  • Consuming plenty of water Take a “time out”

    But many forget the basics which are:
  • Daily good oral care.
  • Regular dental cleaning and check-ups

A healthy life is, in my opinion, a wider* life. Healthy living is living a life with the goal of keeping the mouth and body in good shape so that we are free from pain and dysfunction for as many years as possible. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that reduces the risk of serious illness or even premature death. Not all diseases are preventable, but a large number of diseases are, and many are even curable if caught early. This counts for both the mouth and the body. 

Prevention is better than cure


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