
Connie Bislev Dental Hygienist


Connie Bislev

My name is Connie Bislev. I am a passionate registered Dental Hygienist from Denmark. I finished the dental hygienist education from Copenhagen University, Denmark in 1992, and got my final authorization in 1997, which, in Denmark allows you to open your own dental clinic.

I was working 6 years as a Dental Hygienist in Switzerland and since 2007 – until now in Cyprus.

I started working in a holistic and alternative way, by balancing the teeth, mouth, and the muscles around the mouth. I am using techniques such as Craniosacral, Muscle relaxation techniques, acupressure, and Reiki.

When I have a patient in the chair, I am paying attention to the WHOLE person and not just the teeth behind the lips.
People now a days are trying to balance the body. But what about the mouth?

We know that if the mouth is out of balance – the body might be so as well.

We also know that our Oral Health is connected to our Overall Health.

Our mouth is a window to our body.

All is One

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