Mouth and Facial Relaxation Therapy

Jaw problem can be a whole body problem

Tight jaw muscles can result in headaches, migraine, neck pain, tinnitus, eye pain, teeth wearing, compromised breathing airways, light dizziness, poor body posture and much much more.

When the face muscles, the jaw, and the neck is allowed to be in their optimal restful state, then you have achieved a good bite.

A good bite and relaxed jaw muscles can improve your whole body posture and your airways so much that you feel much stronger and healthier.

Cranio Sacral Therapy, facial massage and acupressure technique can help you to release the cranio and facial muscle tensions.

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a light-touch approach, which can release deep tensions, relieve pain and dysfunction, and improve whole body health.

Massage releases muscle tension, which is one of the most common results of stored emotions.

Acupressure is a manual therapy technique that is used to relieve pain and muscle tension.

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